At-Home Exercises
SET-UP: Insert the tubing into a secure doorjamb with the headband positioned as shown.
TUBE TAUTNESS: The tubing is at a just-taut resistance to start.
EXERCISE POSITIONS: The following pictures demonstrate the correct posture for each exercise.
REPETITIONS: Start with 2 repetitions in each direction pictured below. Add one more repetition each time no pain is noted. NOTE: Continue adding repetitions until you can perform each of the 8 exercises 15 times without pain.
NEW TUBE TAUTNESS: When your reach 15 repetitions at the beginning resistance, increase the tube resistance by stepping back 3 inches which lengthens the tubing and tightens its resistance. NOTE: As you increase the tension, your neck muscles will experience greater stress for better strengthening.
GOAL: Once you achieve 15 repetitions with the 3 inches added resistance, you will have good neck muscle strength. NOTE: It is not necessary to increase the resistance by adding the 3 inch resistance. For some patients, 15 repetitions with the tubing at the first taut point is adequate to achieve good neck muscle strength.
BENEFIT: The benefit of this program is that you can start very gently and build increased neck muscle strength and improved motion. Improvement is up to you. You are in control!

Exercise #1

Exercise #2

Exercise #3

Exercise #4

Exercise #5

Exercise #6

Exercise #7

Exercise #8
The Basic Cox® Low Back Exercise Program
Do these exercises on a firm surface such as the floor with or without a mat. If you experience pain during any exercise, stop and consult your doctor before continuing. The Basic Cox® Low Back Exercise Program is used in conjunction with your chiropractic care and should be discussed with your chiropractic physician before use.
Disclaimer: Only do these exercises if you are recommended to do so by your doctor. Do not exercise without the recommendation by your doctor. Listen carefully to any modifications your doctor gives you for each exercise. Only do the exercises to your tolerance. If you experience any pain, stop the exercises, and discuss with your doctor. If you have any questions about the appropriateness of any exercise, ask your doctor before proceeding.

Exercise #1: Pelvic Tilt (Abdominal Tightening)
- While standing or lying on your back, tighten the abdominal and buttock
muscles so as to flatten your back. NOTE: If lying, flatten your back against the surface. - Contract the muscles for a slow count of 4.
- Relax the muscles for a slow count of 4.
- Repeat 6 times each session.

Exercise #2: Pelvic Lift
- Lie on your back with your knees flexed and your feet flat on the floor as
close to the buttocks as possible. NOTE: Keep your knees together. - Tighten the muscles of the lower abdomen and buttocks so as to flatten
your low back against the floor. - Slowly raise your hips up off the floor, and hold for slow count of 4.
- Repeat this exercise 6 times. NOTE: If you cannot raise your hips from the floor, merely tighten
the belly, the abdominal and buttock muscles, and wait until you are
strong enough to raise the hips.

Exercise #3: Knee-Chest
- Lie on your back.
- Draw your right knee up to your chest, and pull the knee down upon
your chest. - Do this for a slow count of 4. Repeat this exercise 6 times with the right
knee. Relax between each knee‐chest exercise for a few seconds. - Repeat the same exercise with left knee brought to the chest.
- Do this for a slow count of 4.
- Repeat with both knees brought up to the chest.
- Do this for a slow count of 4. Repeat this exercise 6 times.
Exercise #4: Hamstring Stretch (PNF Method)
NOTE WHY: The hamstring stretch is a very important exercise as tight hamstrings limit flexion of the pelvis at the hip
joints and force you to move your back more than necessary for forward bending at the waist.
NOTE HOW: Stretching hamstrings can be done in a number of ways. PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)
technique is the preferred method to stretch hamstrings. It is a combination of contraction against resistance, rest, and
stretching. PNF requires an assistant though, so if you don’t have an assistant, we present an alternative method for you
to make your own resistance as detailed below.

PNF Method with an Assistant:
- Lie on your back.
- Have your assistant hold your ankle/foot, and hold your knee straight.
- The assistant lifts the leg as high as the hamstring muscle length will allow.
- Have your assistant hold this position.
- Push against your assistant’s resistance for a count of 8.
- Stop pushing and relax the hamstring muscles.
- While the hamstring muscle is relaxed, stretch the hamstring muscle by slowly and steadily flexing the hip by having the assistant push upward the patient’s ankle and leg. Hold this stretch for a count of 8.
- Repeat 3 times with each leg.

PNF Method with a Towel:
- Lie on your back.
- Use a towel to push against for a count of 8. Rest.
- Pull your leg towards you by pulling on the towel.
- Hold this stretch for a count of 8.
- Repeat 3 times with each leg.

PNF Method Alone:
- Lie on your back.
- Raise one leg straight upward without bending the knee.
- Place your hands behind the knee while keeping the knee straight.
- Raise the leg straight upward as far as possible
- Push against your hand resistance for a slow count of 8
- Stop pushing against your hand resistance and pull the leg straight up so as to stretch the hamstring muscles behind your thigh.
- Hold for a count of 8. Repeat this 3 times with each leg.
Exercise #5: Abdominal Strengthening Exercise
- Lie on your back.
- Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor.
- Either cross your arms over your chest or place hands behind the head to support the head and neck.
- Flatten your spine against the floor.
- Raise the shoulders off the floor by contracting the abdominal muscles. NOTE: Feel the abdominal muscles contract and tighten.
- Raise the shoulders upward slowly until you feel the abdominal muscles tighten.
- Relax the abdominal muscles.
- Allow the shoulders to return to the floor.
- Repeat this exercise as many times as possible starting with as many repetitions as you can do comfortably. NOTE: Make 50 to 75 repetitions your goal.

Exercise #6: Buttock Muscle Strengthening Exercise
- Lie on your stomach. Place your chin on your hands.
- Turn your right foot out.
- Tighten the buttock muscle, and raise the right leg off the floor while keeping the knee straight.
- Hold this for a slow count of 4.
- Slowly let the leg down.
- Repeat this 6 times with the right leg.
- Repeat on the left, 6 times for a slow count of 4.

Exercise #7: Low Back Strengthening*
- Lie flat on stomach with arms along side your body, palms up.
- Slowly raise your chest from the floor.
- Feel the muscles of the low back tighten.
- Hold the chest up from the floor for a slow count of 4.
- Slowly let the chest down.
- Rest a few seconds between each session.
- Repeat this 6 times.
* Only do this exercise upon approval from your physician.
Exercise #8: Outer Thigh and Hip Strength
Stretching the buttock and hip muscles is done with PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) technique as well.

PNF Assistant Method:
- Lie on your back.
- Place your left foot on outside of your right knee.
- Push the left knee to the left against the assistant’s resistance.
- Hold for a slow count of 8.
- Relax.
- Have your assistant pull the left knee to the right.
- This stretches the outside left hip and buttock muscles.
- Repeat with your right foot on the outside of your left knee. NOTE: Do this 6 to 8 times on each side.

PNF Method Without Assistant:
- While sitting, place your left foot on the outside of your right knee.
- Resist your outward push of the left knee by placing your hand on the outside of the left knee and pushing against the hand resistance.
- Hold this pressure for a slow count of 8.
- Relax.
- Push the left knee to the right to stretch the left hip and buttock
muscles. - Repeat with your right foot on the outside of your left knee. NOTE: Do this 6 to 8 times on each side.
Exercise #9: Inner Thigh Stretch
Stretching the inner thigh muscles is done with PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) technique as well.

PNF Assistant Method:
- Lie on your back. Place your left foot/ankle on your right knee with the knee lying as far down as possible.
- Have your assistant push against/down on the left knee as you push up. NOTE: This forces the left inner thigh muscles to contract.
- Hold this pressure for a slow count of 8.
- Have your assistant stop pushing, and relax the muscle contraction of the inner thigh muscles.
- Force the knee downward to stretch the inner thigh muscles.
- Stretch like this for a slow count of 4 or until a stretch of the inner thigh muscles is felt.
- Repeat with your right foot/ankle on your left knee. NOTE: Repeat 6 to 8 times on each side.

PNF Method Without Assistant:
- Sit upright. Place your left foot/ankle on your right knee.
- Let the knee fall downward.
- Use your hand to resist as you push your left knee up. NOTE: This forces the left inner thigh muscles to contract.
- Hold this pressure for a slow count of 8.
- Relax the muscle contraction.
- Force the knee down by using your hand pressure to push.
- Stretch like this for a slow count of 4 or until a stretch of the inner thigh muscles is felt.
- Repeat with the right foot/ankle on your left knee. NOTE: Repeat 6 to 8 times on each side
Exercise #10: “Exercise before arising in morning”
Before getting out of bed in the morning, do the combination of exercises 3 & 4 while lying in bed. This eliminates the excuse of “I don’t have time to exercise!” and benefits your spine by warming up your muscles before you have to use them.
Do this routine slowly. It will stretch your low back and thigh muscles to allow greater comfort on arising to weight‐bearing posture.
- Pull your knees to your chest.
- Hold for a slow count of 4.
- Repeat 6 times.
- Hold your right leg behind the knee to stretch the hamstring.
- Keep your right knee straight.
- Hold for a slow count of 4.
- Repeat 6 times.
- Hold your left leg behind the knee to stretch the hamstring.
- Keep your left leg straight.
- Hold for a slow count of 4.
- Repeat 6 times.
Slowly get out of bed. Roll to your side. Rise up on one elbow. Swing your legs off the side of the bed. Push up to a sitting position. Slowly rise, using your leg muscles to stand. Move slowly and purposely in the morning.